Tuesday 17th September 2024
LO - To explore the concept of representation & stereotypes
Representation is a RE - Presentation of the events, people and places
Tuesday, 24th September 2024
1 - Representation means how the media chooses to re-present the world to us.
2 - The first thing you consider when looking at how something is represented is whether it is positive or negative.
3 - A stereotype is a overview of a specific group of people (or things) based on things like age, gender, sexuality, race or other uncontrollable factors. (generalised view)
4 - There are 2 exams in media.
5 - Audiences is missing
STEREOTYPE - A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy
Private school boy - Posh, Typically British, well educated, in films typically white, spoilt
Football player - well built, fit, athletic, typically a man, young
Cornish man - Loves pasty's, usually people think they will have an accent, always represented as white, fishermen, 'messy'
Teachers representation - Usually grumpy and strict in the clips but they challenged it with positive behaviours towards students also shows in some clips
Students representation - Mainly negative with a tiny amount of positive reinforcement that is barely recognisable
Teachers representation in second clip - Stern, does take their job half seriously
Students representation in second clip - Very negative with no positive reinforcement whatsoever, stereotypes were being reinforced.
Masthead - The title of a newspaper or magazine that is printed at the top of the page
Cover lines - Tells the reader about other articles inside the issue apart from the main one, is usually placed on the sides
Main image - Represents the information inside of the magazine usually the image is the whole of the background
Main cover line - This is a bold large cover line displayed towards the bottom of the magazine
Puff - An eye catching graphic or text to draw attention
Colour palette - The main two or three colours used on the cover of the magazine
Direct address - Addresses the reader making it seem more personal and applied to 'you' / when the person on the cover is looking at the camera and looks like they are looking at you
Star vehicle - The celebrity used to bring a broader audience
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Do Now
1 - Whether the representation is good or bad, whether it includes stereotypes or challenges them ect...
2 - Sexual objectification is the process of representing or treating a person like a sex object, one that serves another's sexual pleasure
3 - Inside game of thrones is the main cover line on this cover
4 - Pink is the colour stereotypically associated with females
5 - Teenage stereotypes are that they are messy, lazy, ungrateful and badly behaved
How do you compare representations?
Lo - to write and structure an effective exam style answer
- 1 - should be aiming for a mark a minute
- 2 - 5 minutes to plan
- 3 - List similarities and differences / will give me my judgement
- 4 - Use structure to write my answer
Describe - the technique/element/representation used
Explain - the connotations?meanings constructed, support with specific evidence
Link - to the overall context/meaning/question
In the GQ cover, David Beckham is represented as sophisticated. He is wearing a tuxedo which has connotations of wealth and elegance. This contrasts with the cosmopolitan cover where CU is represented as fun and sexy.
Gender on these two covers are represented as stereotypical opposites. These two covers are fighting against generalised stereotypes due to gender and how those genders present themself and creating a positive image. The colour schemes used are typically used for the other gender snd their poses are completely different, Rihanna has a mid shot and tom daley has a medium long shot showing off his body (muscles) and what he is wearing. Rihanna is being sexually objectified by her stance and how she is not wearing any clothes. She is represented as powerful as she is being portrayed as medusa, representing women as powerful and strong but also deadly
They have represented gender more different
- 1 - introductory sentence giving overall comparison
- 2 - How gender is represented in Cosmopolitan
- 3 - How gender is represented in GQ
- 4 - How far the representation of gender is similar in the magazines
- 5 - How far the representations is different in the magazines
In the cosmopolitan magazine gender representation is flipped completely, this creates the image of tom daley to seem more feminine through a feminine stance, colour scheme such as pink as the main colour, particular typically female topics and his outfits style. Although there are some stereotypical male topics, and the use of showing off his muscles to show h is still masculine.
Whereas in the GQ magazine Rihanna is portrayed as untouchable through her representation of medusa although her stance and how she has no clothes on is sexually objectifying. This seems to be contradicted by the 'untouchable' nature of strength on the magazine that is portrayed of women.
Magazine industry definitions
Circulation - the number of copies it usually distributes for each issue
Advertising revenue - the income that magazines generate from selling advertising space to businesses and brands looking to promote their products or services.
cover price - the price of a newspaper or magazine
Subscription model – A subscription business model is one in which customers are charged a recurring fee for access to a product instead of a one-time expense.
Multi-platform – Publishing the magazine in different forms, for example online or physically
Readership - the group of people who regularly read a particular newspaper, magazine, etc. (an estimate of the number of readers)
Ideology - ideology is a set of beliefs and values shared by a group of people.
Brand identity – the core of a company it englobes the business’s values, image, and personality, like how people have values, beliefs, and individual traits.
Target audience - a group of people most likely to be receptive to a particular product or service.
When was the magazine launched? The magazine GQ was launched in 1931 / Vogue was launched in 1892
What was the original genre/ target audience? The original target audience for GQ was Funk, R&B, Disco and Soul music whereas Vogue's was solely dance music
Has it changed / rebranded over the years? Used to be called ‘Gentleman’s Quarterly’ before it rebranded to ‘GQ’ / Vouge has become more modern and talks about fashion and lifestyle
Who publishes it? GQ is published by Conde Nast and advance publications / Vogue is published by Conde Nast
Is it print only or multi-platform? (if so what platforms) Vogue is available online and as a physical copy / GQ is also available in print and online (both multi platform)
What is the average circulation and readership? GQ’s average readership is 212,000 and circulation is 89,000 / Vogues average readership 2,700,000 and circulation is 2,500,000
Who is the target audience? GQ’s target audience is men ages 20 to about 44 from upper-class backgrounds (ABC1 ) / whereas vogue is targeted at women who are affluent fashion and beauty enthusiasts, educated, sophisticated and wealthy (ABC1)
Summarise the brand image, tagline, values, ideologies, types of topics covered and style.
GQ taglines – ‘Look sharp, live smart’ .... and ‘the magazine for men with an IQ’
Vogue taglines – ‘Before it's in fashion, it's in Vogue’ .... and “the authority of fashion”
GQ image – the capitalised letters GQ merging into the side of one another
Vogue image – a sophisticated font stating the word Vogue
GQ values – the difference between the second lowest PL and the lowest PL
Vogue values – superior design, innovative spirit, dedication to precision and a quest for perfection
GQ ideologies – built around more traditional ideas of masculinity
Vogue ideologies – representing a sophisticated lifestyle
GQ topics – Men's fashion, style, grooming, fitness, entertainment, lifestyle, news & politics
Vogue topics – Fashion, beauty, arts & lifestyle, runway, shopping, news, video
Tuesday 19th November 2024
Do Now
1 - Condé nast publishes both GQ and cosmopolitan
2 - A audience that is educated, professional and wealthy is categorised as ABC1
3 - Cosmopolitan and GQ are targeted at the ages 20-40
4 - A masthead is the proper term for a heading on a magazine
5 - A colour palette is colours used on a certain thing???
The main 2 or 3 colours used in a design
Case study One – Raheem sterling GQ
L/O - to explore the context and layout design for GQ magazine
How does GQ target its audience? GQ targets its audience by sexually objectifying women on covers with cover lines that revolve about how men are so great and godlike or important, and then making men seem God like or superior on covers of their own gender (superiority complex).
How does GQ represent gender? GQ represents gender by creating the idea that men are godlike and superior and the idea that women are objects for men to use or to look at.
1 - Raheem was born in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1994, and he spent his early life living there with his family. His mother was an athlete for the Jamaican national athletics team, which had a big effect on Raheem and influenced him to take up sports at a young age.
2 - He was the youngest player to ever start a match for Liverpool in the Premier League, making his first start for the club at the age of 17 years and 107 days.
3 - In the 2018-19 season, Sterling became the first player in Premier League history to win the Player of the Month award three times in a single season.
4 - Sterling scored 23 goals in all competitions for Manchester City in the 2019-20 season, becoming the first English player to score 20 or more goals in back-to-back seasons for the club since Brian Kidd in 1977-78.
5 - Off the pitch, Sterling has been involved in several philanthropic initiatives. In 2017, he launched the Raheem Sterling Foundation, which aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people in the UK by providing access to education and sport. Sterling has also been involved in campaigns to combat racism in football and society and has been vocal about his own experiences of racial abuse.
Media language
Cover star - who is the cover star / what are the connotations of it / them
masthead - What does it tell us / represent on the magazine
cover lines
Anchorage text - text used to anchor or explain the image
Lexis - The words used / what words have been used and why
Typography - How the words / text has been made to look
Brand identity
Colour palette
What can we look at when it comes to typography?
Serif - more feminine font / deemed more intellectual
Sans serif - deemed more modern and up to date / seemed as more masculine
GQ Jeremy strong
Style - The style of the typography on this magazine is very bold blocky (Block capitols) and takes up space dominating the attention of the viewer, this matches the stance of the cover star as he is dominating the space and making sure to cover as much space as he can on the cover making him seem more assertive and dominant
Colour palette
The main colours in this palette are red black and white corresponding to the mans chosen clothing the connotations of the colour red are blood and violence, in the image he seems to have bandages on his hands also linking to violence. the colour black links to mystery, he seems oddly eerie and mysterious in the way he is sitting and his environment.
The layout of this magazine is the common conventional z shape where someone could read from top left to top right then to bottom left to bottom right.
Text and anchor
The main cover line status the relentless Jeremy strong in bold capitols, this connotes dominance strength and power.
The image used on the cover is a long shot showing his whole body, he is completely spread out trying to dominate as much space as he can. This connotes dominance and power, backing up this abbreviation his fists are bandaged and his expression is serious seeming like the topic needs to be taken seriously. He seems to be flashing his wealth to the viewer as he is wearing bougie items of clothing and even a necklace making him seem like an important figure.
Cover lines
The cover lines on this magazine seem very deep and sophisticated and important with the way they are phrased and are presented.
Tuesday, 26th November 2024
Do Now
1 - Anchorage is the text that explains the image (the words that accompany an image to give it a specific meaning)
2 - When analysing typography we can look to see if the font is serif or sans serif and the overall style and colour of the font used.
3 - Cover lines
4 - Sans serif
5 - Close up or mid shot Medium close up
Raheem sterling is a football player who originally played Englands football team and now plays for Arsenal, he was extremely liked by the fans at the start of his career but later in his career he received a unbelievable amount of hate and racist remarks. This is seen especially in the 2018 Chelsey match and after that he decided that enough is enough and finally spoke out about racism in football. From then on he strived to make a change that no one else did in the football community, speaking out and spreading the word through media like magazines.
Masthead - Golden colour, bold and noticeable / used sans serif font (looks like riches links to ABC1 audience) binary oppositions good v evil
Coverlines - Serif font/masculine and sophisticated has details about racism and what he stands for - serious demeanour
Anchorage text - Bold orange writing beneath the quote guardian angel telling us the context of that quote (positive image of cover star)
Layout -
Image - The cover star is standing in a very powerful and confident pose, links to him standing up to racism. He is standing very angelic like a protector. (large black wings)
Lexis - Using very powerful and biblical terms alluding that he is the guardian angel that will help stop racism...alluding to future of football
Typography - serif/masculine very fancy ABC1 audience
Tuesday, 3rd December 2024
Do Now
1 - Raheem Sterling is a football player
2 - Whether the font is serif or sans serif (what font it is/style), or the colour.
3 - Racism in football
4 - Serif
5 - Anchorage text
Tuesday, 10th December 2024
Do Now
1 - Cover lines communicate the what will be inside of the magazine or what the magazine will include
2 - A magazines cover is to attract customers that align with the image on the cover
3 - Raheem sterling was fighting against racism in football in 2019
4 - A low angle shot is about you head to your knees in the shot Below the subject looking up
5 - A Convention is the way in which something is usually done
Assessment improvement
- Non-verbal codes - Mise en scene
- Written codes - anything written
- Gesture codes - body language
- Symbolic codes - a colour that symbolises something else
- Narrative - The story
- Colour palette - Colours used
Cover conventions
- One main image
- Z layout
- Cover lines around the main image
- Large masthead on top left
- Colour palette of 3/4 colours
Need to go into depth about how this is a typical cover of a magazine
The main image shows a low angle shot of Sterling standing in a confident stance, with a large pair of black wings, this connotes a biblical prodigy or a saviour that is strong and mighty that helps to brings change to those around them who may feel vulnerable or helpless, the black on the wings also connotes that he is the saviour of the black community in football shielding them from the harmful community. Sterling is looking at the camera with a serious face, directly addressing the viewer of the seriousness and importance of the issue addressed in the coverlines. This addresses to the main audience
of this magazine who are typically ABC1 males who are extremely wealthy and intelegent just like Raheem himself, this may help them to relate and align with his views and ideas.
I would improve this paragraph to get more marks by removing the unnecessary and irrelevant information about football being a brutal dictatorship and focus more into the words and phrases used and if the language is stereotypical for GQ...
Tuesday, 17th December 2024
Do Now
1 - Another word for connotes is Denotes. Suggests, shows, implies, is associated with
2 - Connotations for wings may be descriptors or things like Angels, graceful, beautiful, powerful.
3 - GQ's audience is typically ABC1 males who are intellectual, well educated and wealthy.
4 - The purpose of a magazine cover is to draw the audience into reading the magazine
5 - A media convention is the way in which something is usually done.🧤✊☝㎎
The choice of making him topless with his tattoos on show reinforces the stereotype of men as having to be hyper-masculine, strong and muscular.
The black wings represent him as a supernatural figure suggesting his extraordinary skill so n the pitch. The wings, combines with the main cover line 'guardian angel' and the low angle shot constructs him as a protective figure, fighting for justice. His wide stance and the choice of costume represent him as dominant and a confident figure.
His thick silver jewellery reinforces the capitalist ideology that for a man to be thought of as successful you must be wealthy and make a lot of money.
Using a hugely successful cover star (Raheem sterling is British Jamaican) as their dominant image, GQ is presenting a role model for its readers, someone to aspire to be like.
The main cover line reads "how Raheem Sterling saved football from itself" The reader understands this to mean that he is a success of a much grander scale than just the pitch; he is an influencer. This is a more modern representation of ethnicity and counters the old fashioned stereotypes as black men as criminals or lower status.
Diverse range of ethnicity on the cover (star vehicle & cover lines) is unusual for GQ and lifestyle magazines in general.
Tuesday, 7th January 2024
Do Now
1 - Women's lifestyle, fashion and health magazine
2 - ABC1 females
3 - Condé Nast
4 - To draw in an audience / appeal to a potential buyer
5 - A slim white woman with blonde hair and blue eyes
In the past vogue did not include a variety of ethnicity and gender portrayed in their magazines, however in newer covers we can see Harry styles (a male) as the cover star of the magazine dressed in a dress portraying a typically female trait, also portrayed as a cover star was a women of ethnicity. This is odd for vogue as all of the women models and all models in the past were women of no ethnicity and were all white and slim.
a Taliban gunman shit yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat valley. Yousafzai was 15 years old at the time. According to reports, a masked gunman shouted: "which one of you is Malala? speak up, otherwise i will shoot you all."
Malala Yousafzai was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight for the right of every child to receive an education. (2014)
In 2013, TIME magazine named Malala one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World.” On her 16th birthday she spoke in the United Nations. In her speech Malala called for the equal right to education for girls all over the world, and became a symbol of this cause.
She was born in the Swat Valley in Pakistan. When the Islamic Taliban movement took control of the valley in 2008, girls’ schools were burned down. Malala kept a diary of the events, which was published in 2009 by BBC Urdu. In her diary she spoke out against the Taliban’s terrorist regime. An American documentary film made Malala internationally famous.
Malala Yousafzai is famous because of her movement of feminism that cause her to get shot and targeted by the talaban. She was a activist in pakistan for the right for all women to have a education she alongside her father ran a women's school but soon the talaban invaded and burnt it down as they are against women learning and thriving. Malala created a secret blog in which she posted about how the talaban harmful actions affected those where she lived but soon they found out the anonymous blogger was her and shot her in the head, miraculously she survived at only 15 becoming a legend and icon for the education for women. Eventually at only 17 she earnt a nobel peace prize and even got a day named and celebrated after her.
Tuesday, 27th January 2025
Do now
1 - Media representation is how the media decides to re-present the world to us
2 - When looking for representation the first thing we look at is whether it is good or bad
3 - Malala is muslim
4 - No she is not a stereotypical cover star
5 - The colour red on Malala's cover could connote anger
In the past muslims have been represented as extremists with different views who are often misinterpreted due to media. They are largely shown as violent and are typically women and are rarely seen as anything other then extremists from groups. They are often shown without disability or romantic relationships.
In terms of ethnicity the vogue cover is very diverse and inclusive to all ethnicity, showing the often neglected ethnicities that are not stereotypically represented.
Beauty, love and shape and fashion are often represented and stereotypical topics for women to be represented by as a gender. Although fighting is stereotypically not associated with women. It also shows that women are interested in lives different from their own, and thee cover lines suggest women's intelligence. She looks very feminine and sophisticated whilst also looking very powerful and important.
Explain how both gender and ethnicity have been represented in this cover?
In this cover gender and ethnicity have been represented as anti-stereotypical due to the representation of muslim women and the diversity of stars mentioned on the cover lines. Vogues cover stars are typical slim white women with little diversity in their covers, until Malala muslim women were often stereotypically known for violence and extremest views due to their religion. However this cover is challenging the stereotypes and presenting malala as a strong, powerful, and beautiful woman showing off her religion and what she has fought for. The colour scheme of this cover connotes anger and power towards the racism and sexism women and muslim women have endured.
Gender on this cover has been represented fairly stereotypical with a slight challenge, in the cover lines we can see the typical beauty, fashion, and love that all other women's magazines include and revolve around. Malala is also seen elegant with makeup and her hands in a delicate position, her clothes and hijabs seeming to be made of expensive high quality silk. This also supports the stereotypical nature of women's magazines whilst also showing the elegance of her religion.
Although there is a cover line about fighting and boxing, which is not a stereotypical topic or interest for women. This shows the value of interests and lives different to their own and the intelligence of the person
Tuesday, 4th February 2025
Do Now
1 - The vogue magazines now show diversity
2 - boxing is not stereotypical for a women's magazine
3 - She has been presented as powerful and important
4 - In the anchorage Malala has been represented as strong, powerful or as an inspiration
5 - Violent or victims of crime like men who commit terrorism
In the cover Lizzo is represented as intelligent, elegant, and well mannered as she is wearing an elegant dress and the topics on the cover lines are to do with politics this challenges mens stereotypes that women do not care about politics and should have no say in polotics.
Whereas in the kim cover she is represented as beauty obsessed and loves fashion therefore projecting the stereotypes of women.
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Do Now
1 - Similarities and differences
2 - How far you agree with a statement
3 - 4/5 paragraphs is what you should aim for with a 25 mark question
4 - A cover you are already familiar with
5 - Representation and Media language?
25 mark question
Both wearing makeup to look feminine
both mention at least one stereotypical cover-line for women
Both cover stars are displayed as confident
Both have a serious facial expression
The anchorage is used similarly
both displayed as wealthy
Follow magazine conventions
Kim is presented as sexy on the other hand malala is represented as important
Kims coverlines are all stereotypical to women's magazines
Malalas cover has an unstereotypicaj subject for a women's magazine
The colour palette on kim's cover are very neutral whereas Malala's is very bold
Malalas cover uses a mid shot whereas kim's is a whole body point of view
I believe that there is a relatively equal amount of similarities and differences in these covers
In my opinion, i believe that the Elle and Vogue covers represents gender differently to one another through the stereotypical nature of women's magazines.
In the Vogue cover Malala is represented as a powerful and strong young woman challenging stereotypes, this is seen through her powerful and confident pose conveyed through a mid shot, she completely dominates the cover and making her face recognisable and prominent, although not only does how her stance show her power her rings are on display connoting her wealth and status to the audience therefore catching there eye. Her power is displayed through the use of challenging stereotypes and conveying male dominated sports into her coverlines changing the stereotypical gender completely talking about them in a professional fashion. However, in the Elle cover Kim is represented as sexy, basic and beauty obsessed, we can see this through the use of her provocative stance and outfit justified and practicing stereotypes throughout the cover lines of beauty, love and fashion supporting a stereotypical women's magazine, she is seen to not have much personality to her and is seen as an item to look at and discard the memory.
In the Elle cover, the cover lines are seen as stereotypical to a women's 'interests' and 'passions' reflecting on how she is presented, this connotes to the viewer (creates an image to the viewer) that women are beauty obsessed and are almost seen as objects or items to be glamorised, or are simple to please or understand. We can see this being conveyed through the cover lines stating 'fashions new minimal...or the easy leather trousers!' seeming low effort with a pleasing effect, making materialistic interests that are very common more basic and stereotypical and further representing women's stereotypes. we fight to challenge. However malala talks about love and relationships although, on the other hand her coverlines talk about boxing and fighting including a wide range of ethnicity included in her cover unlike Elle's cover showing a non stereotypical women's magazine as it is just not including slim white women who have to be sexy, just like kin is represented in her cover. This creates a after lying effect as malala is seen to have more unstereeotypical interests interesting the reader and connoting women to be more educated and interesting.
On the other hand there are some similarities in the magazine conventions and anchorage in these covers, Malalas cover has a stereotypical cover just like Elles, following the same layout of the anchorage text and the cover lines, whilst also being the main image of the cover. Malala is purposefully placed with her head behind the text of vogue symbolising (connoting) her importance that she has been represented by the brand or cover but in the other cover kin is giver a basic and stereotypical cover layout of being put infront of the covers name just like every other coverstar featured in this magazine. The Elle cover is also once again very basic through the colour palette being very plain with a girly essence to the main attractive to the eye on the most noticeable titles whereas Malala's colour scheme is very royal and red, the colour red connotes strength and confidence further proving her powerful and confident demeanour
COMPARISON TASK: A great first attempt. Some clear comparison supported by reference to the two texts.
WWW: You’ve clearly analysed elements of media language
EBI: make sure you include detailed reference to the cover with connotations
25 MARK COMPARISON Q: 18/25 Good work!
WWW: you’ve clearly identified differences and analysed them
EBI: include specific details from the covers and the connotations
TARGET 1: Add more detail to your answer
DIRT: Add in specific details from the covers in each paragraph along with the connotations of these details
Good notes.
COMPARISON TASK: A great first attempt. Some clear comparison supported by reference to the two texts.
WWW: You’ve clearly analysed elements of media language
EBI: make sure you include detailed reference to the cover with connotations
25 MARK COMPARISON Q: 18/25 Good work!
WWW: you’ve clearly identified differences and analysed them
EBI: include specific details from the covers and the connotations
TARGET 1: Add more detail to your answer
DIRT: Add in specific details from the covers in each paragraph along with the connotations of these details.